Remove Subject prefixing (when answering/forwarding) possible?
Ralf Hildebrandt
2018-02-27 09:39:53 UTC
I'm using:

# Erase [ext] tags from e-mails
subjectrx '\[ext\] *' '%L%R'

to remove the tag "optically". Is there any way of removing the
Subject: prefix when answering/forwarding?
Ralf Hildebrandt
GeschÀftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
Charité - UniversitÀtsmedizin Berlin
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
***@charite.de | https://www.charite.de
Matthias Apitz
2018-02-27 11:22:01 UTC
Post by Ralf Hildebrandt
# Erase [ext] tags from e-mails
subjectrx '\[ext\] *' '%L%R'
to remove the tag "optically". Is there any way of removing the
Subject: prefix when answering/forwarding?
How do you configure this exactly in .muttrc? Thanks

Matthias Apitz, ✉ ***@unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/ 📱 +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
Todd Zullinger
2018-02-27 15:43:05 UTC
Post by Matthias Apitz
Post by Ralf Hildebrandt
# Erase [ext] tags from e-mails
subjectrx '\[ext\] *' '%L%R'
to remove the tag "optically". Is there any way of removing the
Subject: prefix when answering/forwarding?
How do you configure this exactly in .muttrc? Thanks

subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems.
I always keep a supply of stimulant handy in case I see a snake -
which I also keep handy.
-- W. C. Fields
Sandro Santilli
2018-02-28 11:02:17 UTC
Post by Todd Zullinger
subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems.
Thanks so much, I've been feeling the need for this for
a long time, finally satisfied :)

Akkana Peck
2018-02-28 16:28:41 UTC
Post by Todd Zullinger
subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems.
That's wonderful! Something I've been wishing for for a long time.

But the example in the manual doesn't work for me in 1.9.3
(on Debian testing, but I think that's back to being normal mutt,
not neomutt, right?). This line in muttrc:
subjectrx '\[[^\]]*\]? *' '%L%R'
"Re: [LongListName] blah blah"
"Re: ongListName] blah blah"

In other words, the first * is ignored and it matches only one
character after the open bracket. I've tried replacing the * with
+, with {1,} and with {0,} but none of them work: * and {1,} match
one character while + and {1,} don't match anything and do don't
do any substitution.

The feature is still great, because I don't strictly need the regex
-- I can make explicit matches for the few really long list names
that are causing problems -- but I wonder why the example in the
manual isn't working.

Also, is it possible to escape a quote? I have one set of emails
that come through with an apostrophe, like
Subject: [Don't care about this super long list ID] blah blah

Escaping within single quotes, like this:
subjectrx 'Don\'t care about this super long list ID]' '%LDONT%R'
gives an "about: unknown command" error.

The workaround of using double quotes works fine:
subjectrx "Don't care about this super long list ID]" '%LDONT%R'
Just curious, since the workaround is fine for now.

Christian Ebert
2018-02-28 17:01:09 UTC
* Akkana Peck on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 09:28:41 -0700
Post by Akkana Peck
Post by Todd Zullinger
subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems.
That's wonderful! Something I've been wishing for for a long time.
But the example in the manual doesn't work for me in 1.9.3
(on Debian testing, but I think that's back to being normal mutt,
subjectrx '\[[^\]]*\]? *' '%L%R'
I don't understand why the right bracket is backslash escaped
inside the character group in the example.
Post by Akkana Peck
"Re: [LongListName] blah blah"
"Re: ongListName] blah blah"
Omitting the escape seems to work for me[tm]:

subjectrx '\[[^]]*\]:? *' '%L%R'
Die Weltumsegelung der Peter von Danzig
Ein Film von Michael Weber und Christian Ebert
--->> https://lastshiphome.de
Patrick Shanahan
2018-02-28 17:10:59 UTC
Post by Akkana Peck
Post by Todd Zullinger
subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems.
That's wonderful! Something I've been wishing for for a long time.
But the example in the manual doesn't work for me in 1.9.3
(on Debian testing, but I think that's back to being normal mutt,
subjectrx '\[[^\]]*\]? *' '%L%R'
"Re: [LongListName] blah blah"
"Re: ongListName] blah blah"
In other words, the first * is ignored and it matches only one
character after the open bracket. I've tried replacing the * with
+, with {1,} and with {0,} but none of them work: * and {1,} match
one character while + and {1,} don't match anything and do don't
do any substitution.
The feature is still great, because I don't strictly need the regex
-- I can make explicit matches for the few really long list names
that are causing problems -- but I wonder why the example in the
manual isn't working.
Also, is it possible to escape a quote? I have one set of emails
that come through with an apostrophe, like
Subject: [Don't care about this super long list ID] blah blah
subjectrx 'Don\'t care about this super long list ID]' '%LDONT%R'
gives an "about: unknown command" error.
subjectrx "Don't care about this super long list ID]" '%LDONT%R'
Just curious, since the workaround is fine for now.
some time ago, in an earlier age, Sven Guckes posted a sed or perl filter
to hide "Subject:" additions, but I seem to have lost it, and he seems to
be missing too :^(
(paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri
http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri
Registered Linux User #207535 @ http://linuxcounter.net
Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo paka @ IRCnet freenode
Christian Ebert
2018-02-28 17:27:00 UTC
* Patrick Shanahan on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 12:10:59 -0500
Post by Patrick Shanahan
some time ago, in an earlier age, Sven Guckes posted a sed or perl filter
to hide "Subject:" additions, but I seem to have lost it, and he seems to
be missing too :^(
Something like

sed -e '1,/^$/ s/^Subject: *\(Re: *\)*\[[^]]*\] */Subject: \1/'


But displayfilter have no effect for the index, and I believe
that's what subjectrx is for.

For replying/forwarding an editor script (vim in Sven's case).
Die Weltumsegelung der Peter von Danzig
Ein Film von Michael Weber und Christian Ebert
--->> https://lastshiphome.de
Ian Zimmerman
2018-02-28 17:48:39 UTC
Post by Patrick Shanahan
some time ago, in an earlier age, Sven Guckes posted a sed or perl
filter to hide "Subject:" additions, but I seem to have lost it, and
he seems to be missing too :^(
Here's what I do now as part of my incoming pipeline. Of course, this
in fact _rewrites_ the email, not being just a filter for mutt display,
so it's not really what the OP is asking for.

$main::mail is a Mail::Audit instance constructed earlier in the

## <<15-degunk.pl

use Email::MIME::RFC2047::Decoder ;
use Email::MIME::RFC2047::Encoder ;

my $decoder = Email::MIME::RFC2047::Decoder->new;
my @encparms = (encoding => 'utf-8', method => 'Q');
my $encoder = Email::MIME::RFC2047::Encoder->new(@encparms);
my $tagre = qr{\[[-_?a-zA-Z0-9/]+(\s+(list|forum|spam)|[?])?\]:?}i;
my $repre = qr{(re|fwd):}i;

my $subject = $main::mail->get('subject');

do {
last SUBJECT unless $subject;
my $subject_dec = $decoder->decode_text($subject);
my $is_reply = 0;
my $prefixed = 0;
while ($subject_dec =~ /^($tagre|$repre)\h*/) {
my $preflen = $+[0];
$prefixed = 1;
$is_reply = 1 if $subject_dec =~ m(^$repre)i;
$subject_dec = substr $subject_dec, $preflen;
last SUBJECT unless $prefixed;
$subject_dec = 'Re: ' . $subject_dec if $is_reply;
my $subject_enc = $encoder->encode_text($subject_dec);

$main::mail->add_header('X-Old-Subject' => $subject);
$main::mail->replace_header('Subject' => $subject_enc);
} while 1;

## >>15-degunk.pl
Please don't Cc: me privately on mailing lists and Usenet,
if you also post the followup to the list or newsgroup.
To reply privately _only_ on Usenet and on broken lists
which rewrite From, fetch the TXT record for no-use.mooo.com.
Erik Christiansen
2018-03-02 11:52:00 UTC
Post by Patrick Shanahan
some time ago, in an earlier age, Sven Guckes posted a sed or perl filter
to hide "Subject:" additions, but I seem to have lost it, and he seems to
be missing too :^(
The following has served for so many years in my .procmailrc that I
can't recall if it was Sven who provided the method for _stripping_ that
cruft from the incoming subject header.

* ^TO_luv-***@.*luv.asn.au
# We need the subject line _content_, minus [list-name]:

SUBJECT=`formail -czX "Subject:" | sed -re "s/Subject:// ; s/ \[luv-[a-z]*\]//g"`

# Header filter leaves body alone:
| formail -i "Subject: $SUBJECT"

# Delivery, with lockfile:

The second sed regex could perhaps be generalised, rather than just
retargeted for your problem list, but a quick fix is a good fix, so
long as it does the job, I figure.

Changing "-i" to -I" on line 10 stops the received subject header being
retained as "Old-Subject:", but retaining it is a reminder that the post
has been trivially munged.

The ^TO_ on line 2 accepts either "To:" or "Cc:", as adjunct to simple
duplicates management via formail. (Forces "courtesy copy" to the list


Kevin J. McCarthy
2018-02-28 18:00:29 UTC
Post by Akkana Peck
Post by Todd Zullinger
subjectrx was added in 1.8.0, it seems.
That's wonderful! Something I've been wishing for for a long time.
But the example in the manual doesn't work for me in 1.9.3
(on Debian testing, but I think that's back to being normal mutt,
subjectrx '\[[^\]]*\]? *' '%L%R'
Looks like the example might be wrong in the manual, unless there are
regexp library differences. Because ']' is first in the character
class (after the negation), it shouldn't need to be escaped. This works
for me:
subjectrx '\[[^]]*\]:? *' '%L%R'

If that works for you all, I'll fix up the manual example.

Kevin J. McCarthy
GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C 5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA
Matthias Apitz
2018-02-28 18:05:19 UTC
Post by Kevin J. McCarthy
Looks like the example might be wrong in the manual, unless there are
regexp library differences. Because ']' is first in the character
class (after the negation), it shouldn't need to be escaped. This works
subjectrx '\[[^]]*\]:? *' '%L%R'
If that works for you all, I'll fix up the manual example.
The man page for muttrc should be checked/fixed to. On 1.8.0 I saw no
hint about 'subjectrx'.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ ***@unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/ 📱 +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
Kevin J. McCarthy
2018-02-28 18:47:43 UTC
Post by Matthias Apitz
Post by Kevin J. McCarthy
Looks like the example might be wrong in the manual, unless there are
regexp library differences. Because ']' is first in the character
class (after the negation), it shouldn't need to be escaped. This works
subjectrx '\[[^]]*\]:? *' '%L%R'
If that works for you all, I'll fix up the manual example.
The man page for muttrc should be checked/fixed to. On 1.8.0 I saw no
hint about 'subjectrx'.
Thanks Matthias, I'll fix that up. Also, my apologies Christian for
obliviously repeating what you had already pointed out as the problem.
Kevin J. McCarthy
GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C 5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA
Akkana Peck
2018-03-01 01:55:18 UTC
Post by Kevin J. McCarthy
But the example in the manual doesn't work for me in 1.9.3 [ ... ]
subjectrx '\[[^\]]*\]? *' '%L%R'
Looks like the example might be wrong in the manual, unless there are
regexp library differences. Because ']' is first in the character
class (after the negation), it shouldn't need to be escaped. This works
subjectrx '\[[^]]*\]:? *' '%L%R'
If that works for you all, I'll fix up the manual example.
That works for me. Thanks, Kevin and Christian! Great feature.

Cameron Simpson
2018-02-28 00:48:29 UTC
Post by Ralf Hildebrandt
# Erase [ext] tags from e-mails
subjectrx '\[ext\] *' '%L%R'
to remove the tag "optically". Is there any way of removing the
Subject: prefix when answering/forwarding?
Can't speak for forwarding, but in principle you could set your editor to a
script that preedited the compose file then ran your real editor.

My muttrc has:

macro index g "<sync-mailbox>:set editor=muttedit<enter><group-reply>:set editor=$EDITOR<enter>" "group reply"

and "muttedit" is a personal shell script which does some stuff before finally
invoking the editor.

Cameron Simpson <***@cskk.id.au> (formerly ***@zip.com.au)