view of threads | display most recent mail date and sender
Karlo Kuna
2018-07-30 13:18:56 UTC

i have configured mutt such that threads are sorted by descending date order
and also messages within thread are descending order. So far so good!

when thread is collapsed displayed sender and date are of the first message
in the thread and not the last. How can i change that to display sender and
date of last message when thread is collapsed???

Kevin J. McCarthy
2018-07-30 17:00:45 UTC
Post by Karlo Kuna
when thread is collapsed displayed sender and date are of the first
message in the thread and not the last.
Mutt is displaying the _top_ message in the thread. When you collapse a
thread, the message showing is not a representation of the thread, it is
the top message itself. An operation on that visible message (viewing,
copying, saving) is performed only on the top message, not the entire

First/last only make sense in the scope of an order such as
date-received, where first could in fact be something other than top.
But in this case $sort=thread, and $sort_aux affects the order between
threads/subthreads - not the threading algorithm itself. There is no
configuration which will make Mutt display a different message besides
the top when the thread is collapsed.

I belabor this point, because it's important to understand how this
differs from, say Gmail, which flattens out threads, provides a
representation of the thread in the index, and whose operations on those
representations affect the entire thread.
Kevin J. McCarthy
GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C 5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA
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