Post by Yubin RuanHi,
why do I get a "sidebar_sort: xxx unknow variable" in a most recent
self-compiled version? I want to list mailboxes in my own self-defined order
so I set sidebar_sort=no.
I think I must have mixed the old/new version. Now that I remove some
/etc/Muttxxx of the old mutt(1.5.x) the error is gone.
But I noticed another error when I tried to set:
bind pager,index - collapse-thread
bind pager,index _ collapse-all
At starting up it reports:
"collapse-thread: no such function in the mapxxx"
"collapse-all: no such function in the mapxxx"
But I can still use <Esc>V ...
Below is how I compile mutt:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--with-docdir=/usr/share/doc/mutt-1.9.0 \
--enable-external-dotlock \
--enable-pop \
--enable-imap \
--enable-hcache \
--enable-sidebar \
--with-ssl --enable-smtp
test -s doc/manual.txt || mv -v doc/manual.txt{.shipped,}
make -C doc manual.pdf
sudo make install
sudo install -v -m644 doc/manual.pdf /usr/share/doc/mutt-1.9.0